Shafer Heating & Cooling, Inc.

(208) 772-2815
Maintaining your home’s HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system is crucial for comfort and energy efficiency. A well-maintained HVAC system prolongs its lifespan, improves indoor air quality, and reduces energy costs. Here’s a concise guide to help homeowners keep their HVAC systems running smoothly.

1. Understanding Your HVAC System


Key Components

  • Thermostat: Controls temperature settings.
  • Furnace: Heats air in the winter.
  • Air Conditioner: Cools air in the summer.
  • Heat Pump: Provides both heating and cooling.
  • Ductwork: Distributes conditioned air.
  • Ventilation: Ensures proper airflow.
  • Filters: Clean the air by trapping particles.

2. Regular HVAC Maintenance Tasks

Change or Clean Air Filters

Frequency: Monthly or every three months.
Dirty filters obstruct airflow, causing the system to work harder. Regularly change or clean filters to maintain efficiency.

Check Thermostat Settings

Frequency: Monthly
Ensure the thermostat is set correctly and consider upgrading to a programmable or smart thermostat.

Inspect Ductwork

Frequency: Annually
Look for signs of damage or leaks in the ductwork to prevent energy waste.

Clean Coils and Fins

Frequency: Annually
Keep evaporator and condenser coils clean to ensure efficient heat exchange and prevent overheating.

3. Seasonal HVAC Maintenance

Spring and Summer Maintenance
  • Check refrigerant levels.
  • Clean the area around the outdoor unit.
  • Inspect insulation on refrigerant lines.
  • Test system startup.
Fall and Winter Maintenance
  • Inspect and clean the furnace burner.
  • Check for gas leaks.
  • Test the igniter switch.
  • Check carbon monoxide detectors.

4. Annual Professional HVAC Inspections


  • Expertise: Professionals can identify and fix issues.
  • Comprehensive Testing: Ensures peak efficiency.
  • Preventative Care: Prevents costly repairs.
What to Expect
  • Thermostat Calibration
  • Electrical Connection Inspection
  • Lubrication of Moving Parts
  • System Operation Check

5. Troubleshooting Common HVAC Problems

Inadequate Heating or Cooling
  • Check thermostat settings.
  • Inspect air filters.
  • Verify power supply.
Unusual Noises
  • Listen for loose parts.
  • Check for debris.
Uneven Temperature Distribution
  • Inspect ductwork.
  • Check insulation.
High Energy Bills
  • Perform regular maintenance.
  • Consider upgrading.

6. Improving HVAC Efficiency

Upgrade to a Programmable Thermostat

  • Allows setting temperature schedules to reduce energy use.

Seal and Insulate Your Home

  • Prevents heat loss and keeps your home cooler.

Use Ceiling Fans

  • Helps distribute air evenly, reducing thermostat usage.

Schedule Regular Maintenance

  • Ensures efficient operation and early issue detection.

7. When to Replace Your HVAC System

Signs It’s Time to Replace
  • Age: Systems over 15 years old.
  • Frequent Repairs
  • High Energy Bills
Benefits of a New System
  • Increased Efficiency
  • Improved Comfort
  • Enhanced Features

8. Choosing the Right HVAC Professional

  • Check Credentials
  • Read Reviews
  • Get Multiple Quotes
Questions to Ask
  • Cost and timeline?
  • Warranties or guarantees?
  • Maintenance tips?

9. HVAC Tips for New Homeowners

Familiarize Yourself with the System

  • Locate all components of your HVAC system.

Set Up a Maintenance Schedule

  • Create a regular maintenance schedule.

Keep Records

  • Maintain a log of all maintenance and repairs.

10. DIY vs. Professional HVAC Maintenance

DIY Tasks
  • Changing air filters
  • Cleaning around the outdoor unit
  • Checking thermostat settings
Professional Tasks
  • Refrigerant level checks
  • Electrical inspections
  • System diagnostics and repairs


Maintaining your HVAC system ensures comfort, efficiency, and longevity. Follow this checklist for regular and seasonal maintenance, troubleshoot common issues, and know when to call professionals. A well-maintained HVAC system saves money and enhances home comfort and air quality. Implement these tips for reliable, efficient HVAC performance year-round.